March Milestones
New scopes starting in the month of March:
Site Utilities – 3/21
In Progress Milestones from Previous Months
Brick Veneer – 1/3/22
Elevator Installation – 1/7/22
Insulation & Drywall – 1/24/22
Fireplace Installation – 1/5/22
Interior Finishes – 2/15/22
Construction progress aerial footage | February 2022
The new communication forum is taking a bit longer than expected to build, as we want to make sure it's as thorough and functional as possible. That said, it will be completed by 3/25 at the latest. We appreciate your patience.
Trucking Impacts
Roofing Material | Approximately 4 trucks per week*
Insulation & Drywall | Approximately 3 trucks per week*
Brick Veneer | Approximately 6 trucks per week*
Steel | Approximately 1 trucks per week*
MEPF Rough-in Material | Approximately 4 trucks per week*
Doors & Windows | Approximately 1 truck per week*
Concrete Pour Dates | Approximately 2-10 trucks per day outside of dates noted below:
Large slab pour dates that will range from 40 to 80 delivery trucks:
Saturday 3/12/22 – A-West Suspended Slab Pour
Calendar view of construction activities, including estimated truck numbers linked here. Dates are subject to change pending weather/other real-world variables. If dates change, the original will have a strikethrough. The new date will be shown after and updated on the monthly development article + construction calendar. Thus far, changes have been minor in the overall scheme of things, and we'll continue putting our best efforts toward maintaining that goal.
Trucking impacts with the * asterisk are semi-truck-sized vehicles, or considered to be heavy impact deliveries, and are required to use the dedicated Dellwood and Alpine routes through the project's duration. All other vehicles will use the best available public roads. Related truck routing articles:
Construction progress aerial footage | February 2022